Appendice documentaria
Il Manifesto degli scienziati razzisti.
1. Le razze umane esistono. La esistenza delle razze umane non e già una astrazione del nostro spirito, ma corrisponde a una realtà fenomenica, materiale, percepibile con i nostri sensi. Questa realtà e rappresentata da masse, quasi sempre imponenti, di milioni di uomini, simili per caratteri fisici e psicologici che furono ereditati e che continuano ad ereditarsi. Dire che esistono le razze umane non vuol dire a priori che esistono razze umane superiori ed inferiori, ma soltanto che esistono razze umane differenti.
2. Esistono grandi razze e piccole razze. Non bisogna soltanto ammettere che esistano i gruppi sistematici maggiori, che comunemente sono chiamati razze e che sono individualizzati solo da alcuni caratteri, ma bisogna anche ammettere che esistano gruppi sistematici minori (come per es. i nordici, i mediterranei, i dinarici, ecc.) individualizzati da un maggior numero di caratteri comuni. Questi gruppi costituiscono dal punto di vista biologico le vere razze, la esistenza delle quali e una verità evidente.
3. II concetto di razza e concetto puramente biologico. Esso e quindi basato su altre considerazioni che non i concetti di popolo e di nazione, fondati essenzialmente su considerazioni storiche, linguistiche, religiose. Però alla base delle differenze di popolo e di nazione stanno delle differenze di razza. Se gli italiani sono differenti dai francesi, dai tedeschi, dai turchi, dai greci, ecc., non e solo perché essi hanno una lingua diversa e una storia diversa, ma perché la costituzione razziale di questi popoli e diversa. Sono state proporzioni diverse di razze differenti che da tempo molto antico costituiscono i diversi popoli, sia che una razza abbia il dominio assoluto suite altre, sia che tutte risultino fuse armonicamente, sia infine, che persistano ancora inassimilate una alle altre le diverse razze.
4. La popolazione dell’Italia attuale e di origine ariana e la sua civiltà e ariana. Questa popolazione di civiltà ariana abita da diversi millenni la nostra Penisola; ben poco e rimasto della civiltà delle genti preariane. L’origine degli italiani attuali parte essenzialmente da elementi di quelle stesse razze che costituiscono e costituirono il tessuto perennemente vivo dell’Europa.
5. E una leggenda l’apporto di masse ingenti di uomini in tempi storici. Dopo 1’in-vasione dei Longobardi non ci sono stati in Italia altri notevoli movimenti di popoli capaci di influenzare la fisionomia razziale della Nazione. Da ciò deriva che, mentre per altre Nazioni europee la composizione razziale e variata notevolmente in tempi anche moderni, per l’Italia, nelle sue grandi linee, la composizione razziale dioggi èla stessa di quella che era mille anni fa: i 44 milioni di italiani di oggi rimontanoqui”.di nell’assoluta maggioranza a famiglie che abitano in Italia da un millennio.
6. Esiste ormai una pura “razza italiana”. Questo enunciato non è basato sulla confusione del concetto biologico di razza con il concetto storico linguistico di popolo e di nazione, ma sulla purissima parentela di sangue che unisce gli italiani di oggi alle generazioni che da millenni popolano l’Italia. Questa antica purezza di sangue è il più grande titolo di nobiltà della Nazione Italiana.
7. È tempo che gli italiani si proclamino francamente razzisti. Tutta l’opera che fin’ora ha fatto il Regime in Italia è in fondo del razzismo. Frequentissimo è stato sempre nei discorsi del Capo il richiamo ai concetti di razza. La questione del razzismo in Italia deve essere trattata da un punto di vista puramente biologico, senza intenzioni filosofiche o religiose. La concezione del razzismo in Italia deve essere essenzialmente italiana e l’indirizzo ariano-nordico. Questo non vuole dire però introdurre in Italia le teorie del razzismo tedesco come sono o affermare che gli italiani e gli scandinavi sono la stessa cosa. Ma vuole soltanto additare agli italiani un modello fisico e soprattutto psicologico di razza umana che per i suoi caratteri puramente europei si stacca completamente da tutte le razze extraeuropee, questo vuoi dire elevare l’italiano ad un ideale di superiore coscienza di se stesso e di maggiore responsabilità.
8. È necessario fare una netta distinzione tra i mediterranei d’Europa (occidentali) da una parte, gli orientali e gli africani dall’altra. Sono perciò da considerarsi pericolose le teorie che sostengono l’origine africana di alcuni europei e comprendono in una comune razza mediterranea anche le popolazioni semitiche e camitiche stabilendo relazioni e simpatie ideologiche assolutamente inammissibili.
9. Gli ebrei non appartengono alla razza italiana. Dei semiti che nel corso dei secoli sono approdati sul sacro suolo della nostra Patria nulla in generale è rimasto. Anche l’occupazione araba della Sicilia nulla ha lasciato all’infuori del ricordo di qualche nome; e del resto il processo di assimilazione fu sempre rapidissimo in Italia. Gli ebrei rappresentano l’unica popolazione che non si è mai assimilata in Italia perché essa è costituita da elementi razziali non europei, diversi in modo assoluto dagli elementi che hanno dato origine agli italiani.
10. caratteri fisici e psicologici puramente europei degli italiani non devono essere alterati in nessun modo. L’unione è ammissibile solo nell’ambito delle razze europee, nel quale caso non si deve parlare di vero e proprio ibridismo, dato che queste razze appartengono ad un corpo comune e differiscono solo per alcuni caratteri, mentre sono uguali per moltissimi altri. Il carattere puramente europeo degli italiani viene alterato dall’incrocio con qualsiasi razza extraeuropea e portatrice di una civiltà diversa dalla millenaria civiltà degli ariani.
Provvedimenti per la difesa della razza italiana
R. decreto-legge 17 novembre 1938-XVII, n. 1728 (GU. n. 264 del 19-11-1938)
Capo primo. Provvedimenti relativi ai matrimoni.
Art. I. Il matrimonio del cittadino italiano di razza ariana con persona appartenente ad altra razza è proibito.
II matrimonio celebrate in contrasto con tale divieto è nullo.
Art. 2. Fermo il divieto di cui all’art. I, il matrimonio del cittadino italiano con persona di nazionalità straniera è subordinato al preventivo consenso del Ministro per 1’Interno.
I trasgressori sono puniti con 1’arresto fino a tre mesi e con 1’ammenda fino a lire diecimila.
Art. 3. Fermo sempre il divieto di cui all’art. I, i dipendenti delle Amministrazioni civili e militari dello Stato, delle Organizzazioni del Partito Nazionale Fascista o da esso controllate, delle Amministrazioni delle Province, dei Comuni, degli Enti parastatali e delle Associazioni sindacali ed Enti collaterali non possono contrarre matrimonio con persone di nazionalità straniera.
Salva 1’applicazione, ove ne ricorrano gli estremi, delle sanzioni previste dal-1’art. 2, la trasgressione del predetto divieto importa la perdita dell’impiego e del grado.
Art. 4. Ai fini dell’applicazione degli artt. 2 e 3, gli italiani non regnicoli non sono considerati stranieri.
Art. 5. L’ufficiale dello stato civile, richiesto di pubblicazioni di matrimonio, è obbligato ad accertare, indipendentemente dalle dichiarazioni delle parti, la razza e lo stato di cittadinanza di entrambi i richiedenti.
Nel caso previsto dall’art. I, non procederà ne alle pubblicazioni né alla celebrazione del matrimonio.
L’ufficiale dello stato civile che trasgredisce al disposto del presente articolo è punito con 1’ammenda da lire cinquecento a lire cinquemila.
Art. 6. Non può produrre effetti civili e non deve, quindi, essere trascritto nei registri dello stato civile, a norma dell’art. 5 della legge 27 maggio 1929-VII, n. 847,
11 matrimonio celebrato in violazione dell’art. I.
Al ministro del culto, davanti al quale sia celebrato tale matrimonio, è vietato 1’a-dempimento di quanto è disposto dal primo comma dell’art. 8 della predetta legge.
I trasgressori sono puniti con 1’ammenda da lire cinquecento a lire cinquemila.
Art. 7. L’ufficiale dello stato civile che ha proceduto alla trascrizione degli atti relativi a matrimoni celebrati senza 1’osservanza del disposto dell’art. 2 è tenuto a farne immediata denunzia all’autorità competente.
Capo secondo. Degli appartenenti alla razza ebraica.
Art. 8. Agli effetti di legge:
a) è di razza ebraica colui che è nato da genitori entrambi di razza ebraica, anche se appartenga a religione diversa da quella ebraica;
b) è considerato di razza ebraica colui che è nato da genitori di cui uno di razza ebraica e 1’altro di nazionalità straniera;
c) è considerato di razza ebraica colui che è nato da madre di razza ebraica qualora sia ignoto il padre;
d) è considerato di razza ebraica colui che, pur essendo nato da genitori di nazionalità italiana, di cui uno solo di razza ebraica, appartenga alla religione ebraica, o sia, comunque, iscritto ad una comunità israelitica, ovvero abbia fatto, in qualsiasi altro modo, manifestazione di ebraismo. Non è considerato di razza ebraica colui che è nato da genitori di nazionalità italiana, di cui uno solo di razza ebraica, che, alla data del i° ottobre I938-XVI, apparteneva a religione diversa da quella ebraica.
Art. 9. L’appartenenza alla razza ebraica deve essere denunziata ed annotata nei registri dello stato civile e della popolazione.
Tutti gli estratti dei predetti registri ed i certificati relativi, che riguardano appartenenti alla razza ebraica devono fare espressa menzione di tale annotazione.
Eguale menzione deve farsi negli atti relativi a concessioni o autorizzazioni della pubblica autorità.
I contravventori alle disposizioni del presente articolo sono puniti con 1’ammenda fino a lire duemila.
Art. 10. I cittadini italiani di razza ebraica non possono:
a) prestare servizio militare in pace e in guerra;
b) esercitare 1’ufficio di tutore o curatore di minori o di incapaci non appartenenti alla razza ebraica;
c) essere proprietari o gestori, a qualsiasi titolo, di aziende dichiarate interessanti la difesa della Nazione, ai sensi e con le norme dell’art. I del R. decreto-legge 18 novembre 1929-VIII, n. 2488, e di aziende di qualunque natura che impieghino cento o più persone, ne avere di dette aziende la direzione né assumervi comunque, 1’ufficio di amministratore o di sindaco;
d} essere proprietari di terreni che, in complesso, abbiano un estimo superiore a lire cinquemila;
e) essere proprietari di fabbricati urbani che, in complesso, abbiano un imponibile superiore a lire ventimila. Per i fabbricati per i quali non esista 1’impo-nibile, esso sarà stabilito sulla base degli accertamenti eseguiti ai fini dell’applicazione dell’imposta straordinaria sulla proprietà immobiliare di cui al R. decreto-legge 5 ottobre 1936-XIV, n. 1743.
Con decreto Reale, su proposta del Ministro per le finanze, di concerto coi Ministri per 1’interno, per la grazia e giustizia, per le corporazioni e per gli scambi e valute, saranno emanate le norme per 1’attuazione delle disposizioni di cui alle lettere c), d), e).
Art. 11 Il genitore di razza ebraica può essere privato della patria potestà sui figli che appartengano a religione diversa da quella ebraica, qualora risulti che egli impartisca ad essi una educazione non corrispondente ai loro principi religiosi o ai fini nazionali.
Art. 12. Gli appartenenti alla razza ebraica non possono avere alle proprie dipendenze, in qualità di domestici, cittadini italiani di razza ariana. I trasgressori sono puniti con l’ammenda da lire mille a lire cinquemila.
Art. 13. Non possono avere alle proprie dipendenze persone appartenenti alla razza ebraica:
a) le Amministrazioni civili e militari dello Stato;
b) il Partito Nazionale Fascista e le organizzazioni che ne dipendono o che ne sono controllate;
c) le Amministrazioni delle Provincie, dei Comuni, delle Istituzioni pubbliche di assistenza e beneficenza e degli Enti, Istituti ed Aziende, comprese quelle di trasporti in gestione diretta, amministrate o mantenute col concorso delle Provincie, dei Comuni, delle Istituzioni pubbliche di assistenza e beneficenza o dei loro Consorzi;
d) le Amministrazioni delle aziende municipalizzate;
e) le Amministrazioni degli Enti parastatali, comunque costituiti e denominati, delle Opere nazionali, delle Associazioni sindacali ed Enti collaterali e, in genere, di tutti gli Enti ed Istituti di diritto pubblico, anche con ordinamento autonomo, sottoposti a vigilanza o a tutela dello Stato, o al cui mantenimento lo Stato concorra con tributi di carattere continuativo;
f) le Amministrazioni delle aziende annesse o direttamente dipendenti dagli Enti di cui alla precedente lettera e) o che attingano ad essi, in modo prevalente, i mezzi necessari per il raggiungimento dei propri fini, nonché delle società, il cui capitale sia costituito, almeno per meta del suo importo, con la partecipazione dello Stato;
g) le Amministrazioni delle banche di interesse nazionale;
h) le Amministrazioni delle imprese private di assicurazione.
Art. 14. II Ministro per 1’interno, sulla documentata istanza degli interessati, può, caso per caso, dichiarare non applicabili le disposizioni degli articoli 10 e 11, nonché dell’art. 13, lettera h):
a) ai componenti le famiglie dei caduti nelle guerre libica, mondiale, etiopica e spagnola e dei caduti per la causa fascista;
b) a coloro che si trovino in una delle seguenti condizioni
1) mutilati, invalidi, feriti, volontari di guerra o decorati al valore nelle guerre libica, mondiale, etiopica, spagnola;
2) combattenti nelle guerre libica, mondiale, etiopica, spagnola, che abbiano conseguito almeno la croce al merito di guerra;
3) mutilati, invalidi, feriti della causa fascista;
4) iscritti al Partito Nazionale Fascista negli anni 1919-20-21-22 e nel secondo semestre del 1924;
5) legionari fiumani;
6) abbiano acquisito eccezionali benemerenze, da valutarsi a termini dell’art. 16.
Nei casi preveduti alla lettera b}, il beneficio può essere esteso ai componenti la famiglia delle persone ivi elencate, anche se queste siano premorte.
Gli interessati possono richiedere 1’annotazione del provvedimento del Ministro per 1’interno nei registri di stato civile e di popolazione.
II provvedimento del Ministro per 1’interno non è soggetto ad alcun gravame, sia in via amministrativa, sia in via giurisdizionale.
Art. 15. Ai fini dell’applicazione dell’art. 14, sono considerati componenti della famiglia, oltre il coniuge, gli ascendenti e i discendenti fino al secondo grado.
Art. 16. Per la valutazione delle speciali benemerenze di cui all’articolo 14 lettera b), n. 6, è istituita, presso il Ministero dell’interno, una Commissione composta del Sottosegretario di Stato all’interno, che la presiede, di un Vicesegretario del Partito Nazionale Fascista e del Capo di Stato Maggiore della Milizia Volontaria Sicurezza Nazionale.
Art. 17. È vietato agli ebrei stranieri di fissare stabile dimora nel Regno, in Libia e nei Possedimenti dell’Egeo.
Capo terzo. Disposizioni transitorie e finali.
Art. 18. Per il periodo di tre mesi dalla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto, è data facoltà al Ministro per 1’interno, sentita 1’Ainministrazione interessata, di dispensare, m casi special!, dal divieto di cui all’art. 3, gli impiegati che intendono contrarre matrimonio con persona straniera di razza ariana.
Art. 19. Ai fini dell’applicazione dell’art. 9, tutti coloro che si trovano nelle condizioni di cui all’art. 8, devono farne denunzia all’ufficio di stato civile del Comune di residenza, entro 90 giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto.
Coloro che non adempiono a tale obbligo entro il termine prescritto o forniscono dati inesatti o incompleti sono puniti con 1’arresto fino ad un mese e con 1’ammenda fino a lire tremila.
Art. 20. I dipendenti degli Enti indicati nell’art. 13, che appartengono alla razza ebraica, saranno dispensati dal servizio nel termine di tre mesi dalla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto.
Art. 21. I dipendenti dello Stato in pianta stabile, dispensati dal servizio a norma dell’art. 20, sono ammessi a far valere il diritto al trattamento di quiescenza loro spettante a termini di legge.
In deroga alle vigenti disposizioni, a coloro che non hanno maturate il periodo di tempo prescritto è concesso il trattamento minimo di pensione se hanno compiuto almeno dieci anni di servizio; negli altri casi è concessa una indennità pari a tanti dodicesimi dell’ultimo stipendio quanti sono gli anni di servizio compiuti.
Art. 22. Le disposizioni di cui all’art. 21 sono estese, in quanto applicabili, agli Enti indicati alle lettere b}, c), d), e},f), g), h), dell’art. 13.
Gli Enti, nei cui confronti non sono applicabili le disposizioni dell’art. 21, liquideranno, ai dipendenti dispensati dal servizio, gli assegni o le indennità previsti dai propri ordinamenti o dalle norme che regolano il rapporto di impiego per i casi di dispensa o licenziamento per motivi estranei alla volontà dei dipendenti.
Art. 23. Le concessioni di cittadinanza italiana comunque fatte ad ebrei stranieri posteriormente al 1° gennaio 1919 intendono ad ogni effetto revocate.
Art. 24. Gli ebrei stranieri e quelli nei cui confronti si applica 1’art. 23, i quali abbiano iniziato il lord soggiorno nel Regno, in Libia e nei Possedimenti dell’Egeo posteriormente al 1° gennaio 1919, debbono lasciare il territorio del Regno, della Libia e dei Possedimenti dell’Egeo, entro il 12 marzo 1939-XVII.
Coloro che non avranno ottemperato a tale obbligo entro il termine suddetto saranno puniti con 1’arresto fino a tre mesi o con 1’ammenda fino a lire 5000 e saranno espulsi a norma dell’art. 150 del testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza, approvato con R. decreto 18 giugno 1931-IX, n. 773.
Art. 25. La disposizione dell’art. 24 non si applica agli ebrei di nazionalità straniera i quali, anteriormente al 1° ottobre 1938-XVI:
a) abbiano compiuto il sessantacinquesimo anno di età;
b) abbiano contralto matrimonio con persone di cittadinanza italiana. Ai fini dell’applicazione del presente articolo, gli interessati dovranno far pervenire documentata istanza al Ministero dell’interno entro trenta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto.
Art. 26. Le questioni relative all’applicazione del presente decreto saranno risolte, caso per caso, dal Ministro per 1’interno, sentiti i Ministri eventualmente interessati, e previo parere di una Commissione da lui nominata.
II provvedimento non è soggetto ad alcun gravame, sia in via amministrativa, sia in via giurisdizionale.
Art. 27. Nulla è innovato per quanto riguarda il pubblico esercizio del culto e la attività delle comunità israelitiche, secondo le leggi vigenti, salvo le modificazioni eventualmente necessarie per coordinare tali leggi con le disposizioni del presente decreto.
Art. 28. È abrogata ogni disposizione contraria o, comunque, incompatibile con quelle del presente decreto.
Art. 29. Il Governo del Re è autorizzato ad emanare le norme necessarie per 1’attuazione del presente decreto.
II presente decreto sarà presentato al Parlamento per la sua conversione in legge. Il duce, Ministro per 1’interno, proponente, è autorizzato a presentare il relativo disegno di legge. Ordiniamo che il presente decreto, munito del sigillo dello Stato, sia inserto nella raccolta ufficiale delle leggi e dei decreti del Regno d’Italia, mandando a chiunque spetti di osservarlo e di farlo osservare.
Dato a Roma, addì 17 novembre 1938-XVII.
Mussolini – Ciano – Solmi – Di Revel – Lantini
Visto, il Guardasigilli: Solmi.
Registrato alla Corte dei Conti, addì 18 novembre 1938-XVII Atti del Governo,
registro 403, foglio 76 – Mancini.
Fat Man’s

BY nature I am fat and idle. Each day Idleness and conscience battle in my heart; and, truthfully, I must say idleness generally wins.
So much I ought to do. So little I get done—such is the burden ot my days.
Take an obvious current example. I ought to loin in the consumer boycott otf Japanese goods.
This thing is worth while. If all British democrats turned a face of brass against all Japanese imports, we could not only hurt Japanese finance substantially—an admirable result as things now are—but we would also demonstrate the power of spontaneous democratic action. It we made a grand success of this, it would be far easier tor us to bring off something much more Important next time.
REMEMBER, It may be necessary at any moment for democrats to act against some new aggression abroad, some further surrender here at home.
I can already detect the finger of scorn pointing my way. “You’re a fine one to talk!” you will say. I am, because by writing these words I have convinced myself that conscience must over-ride idleness about this boycott.
Henceforward I am going to be noisy against Japanese goods.
Will you do the same? I ask this because most of you, I know, are lust about as idle as I am.
AT this point I can see the serious and ardent politicians starting to write in and say — with admirable warmth—that they are nothing of the kind. I know it already.
I am put to shame each morning by the letters we get here from the stalwart, unknown workers In all those causes for which this paper stands.
They write so helpfully, so freshly, and with such point and zeal, that I am continually amazed. Most of them work at hard, arduous tasks. Yet they take their pleasure in the toll of unpaid political endeavour, generally unthanked, often against their own worldly interest. Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
No. I am not thinking of those who, unless human nature changes, must ever remain a minority. I am thinking of the ordinary ones like me, people who like best to go swimming, or out for a drink, or to the pictures, or for a ride when they don’t have to work.
We are the ones who are going to decide the future of Britain—merely because there are so many more of us than of any other kind. It we are convinced thatwe really must stir ourselves into active politics we can move mountains— let alone turn out a Government like Mr. Chamberlain’s.
I KNOW a fair proportion of us vote at elections, belong to trade unions, the League of Nations Union, and all sorts of other bodies. We pay our subscriptions with some grumbling. and then sit back, let the others run the show, and accept the benefits they accumulate for us.
At least that is so until a direct threat is made to some liberty or privilege we think’we treasure. When that happens we are all up on our hind legs shouting. That Is why the Sandys case caused more Interest than many no less Important political events which preceded It this year.
Normally, unless politics touch us personally and closely, we leave them to the others to get on with. Is that good enough?
I am coming to doubt it. Very much against my will and comfort, I am coming to believe that we must all go political, at any rate, for some years.
Yes—but what can we do? Once a Government gets elected, there it stays, perhaps for five years, or so it seems. Nothing we do can influence it much or end its career.
That is what I used to think. But I fear I was wrong. If we all spoke up every day against deals with dictators, caving in to Franco, pretending there aren’t any unemployed, and of not shooting pianist Chamberlain because he’s doing his best, things would begin to happen.
Reproduced from the New York paper. ” Comwnweal.” This cartoon shows the impression created in the United States by the new wave of anti-Semitism in Italy. Mussolini, rolling up his sleeves, is saying: “My turn. Adolf.”
In Abyssima?
Meanwhile, those Jews facing banishment from Italy are making what plans they can to seek homes in new countries, five thousand of them alone will have to leave the city of Milan. Many are wondering if the Duce will grant them facilities to settle in Abyssinia -especially, says the British United Press, if such a gesture would bring him a foreign loan for the development of the Empire.
Official quarters inRome, however, refuse to discussthe question of why Abyssinia was—significantly—excludedfromthe countriesmentioned ia the expulsiondecree.
MUSSOLINI, not content with expelling all foreign-born Jews from Italy, yesterday carried the war against Italian Jewish children and scientists.
His Cabinet approved a decree:—Banishing all Jewish children from all legally recognised schools; and prohibiting the engagement of any Jewish instructor, professor or teacher at any school.
Many Professors
The decree applies to all Jews; differing from the expulsion decree, which applies only to foreign-born Jews who took up residence in Italy, Libya, and the Dodecanese Islands after January 1, 1819.
About 20.000 Jews are registered In Italian schools,says the British United Press. The number is particularly high in the universities.
Jewish professors. It is estimated, hold 400 out of Italy’s 1.800 university chairs. This does not account for assistant lecturers and professors.
Many of Italy’s most distinguished scientists and scholars will be affected by the decree.
Famous Names
They include,says the Central News, Prof. Tullio Levi-Civita, eminent mathematician and disciple of Prof. Einstein;
Signer Artom, the gynaecologist who attended Crown Princess Marie José; Signor Giorgio del Vccchio, professor of philosophy; Signer Gino Arias, the economist: and Signor Guido Castcl-nuovo. professor of mathematics.
It is expected that Jewish students will now be forced to attend private schools whose diplomas are not recognised. The Government may. however, establish a Jewish university and Jewish schools.
IN the early years ot this century a famous picture depicted an aged, bearded patriarch, bent low over a globe, a lean finger pointing at the earth’s surface over which l.ic old man’s sad eyes seemed \.i wander searchlngly.
The picture bore the one word ” Whither?” symbolising the plight of East European Jewry fleeing from massacre In Tsarlst Russia and the anti-Semitic terrorism of Rumania.
Four million Jews left Eastern Europe In the 34 years between 1880 and 1914. to seek refuge In Europe, America and across the Seven Seas.
Tomorrow at Evian. on the shore of Lake Lausanne, representatives of 30 nations, convoked by President Roosevelt, will sit round a conference table to solve the problem o( Europe’s refugees. fleeing to-day from Hitler’s persecution and threatened to-morrow by mass expulsion and penury,
In effect, the statesmen at Evian will. like the aged Jew In the picture. be searching the globe tor an answer to his query, ” Whither? “
In Germany 500,000 Jews are under sentence of doom; Hitler decrees, ” No more Jews in the Third Relch.” Goering, in Hitler’s name, proclaims a Four-Year Plan tor the ” liquidation ” o( Austria’s 350.000 Jews. Goebbels declares. ” No room in German Austria for the Jews.”
POLAND’S statesmen under German innuence, proclaim a policy of ” Polonlsatlon,” a purge of 3,000,000 Jews from all branches of State life. Col. Beck, the Foreign Minister, announces that ” at least 1,000,000 Jews must emigrate.” One million arc already on the starvation line.
King Carol of Rumania has said that ” hundreds of thousands of Jews are not entitled to citizenship,” and Hungary decrees an 80 per cent. purge of Jews from trade, the professions and the Civil Service.
Scores of thousands of Nazldom’s victims have already fled; the millions await fearfully their sentence of outlawry.
Where are they to go? President Roosevelt, at least, ha.s realised that the Jewish problem In Europe must be dealt with on an International basis.
His conference will, however, be faced at the outset with this devastating dilemma—while Europe prepares to shut the door behind the Wandering Jew, the rest of the world has already all but closed It In his face.
SO the searching fingers of theEvian statesmen will pass to and fro over the globe’s surface, trom one country to the other, only to find written above them the words ” No entry.”.
But over one land the fingers will pause—over the Eastern corner of the Mediterranean where, 2,000 years ago, the Jews lived as a nation.
The Conference may find, many assert that It must find, that the answer to ” Whither?” Is to be found only In Palestine.
Here, in the Jewish National Home promulgated by Great Britain by the Baltour Declaration of 1917 and endorsed by the League of Nations. 420,000 Jews have settled since 1920.
In what was previously derelict desert land and malarial swamp they have created a fruitful soil and raised every kind of agricultural product, from the orange to the household vegetable.
On sandy wastes modern cities have risen connected by great motor roads and rail. Water has been brought to the towns and the desiccated fields, electricity in light and power to the remotest village. They have brought new Industries to the backward Near East.
They have built hospitals and schools and a great Universitywhich stands proudly on Mount Scopus, in Jerusalem.
Since 1933, 135,000 Jews have fled from Nazi Germany. One-third of them, some 45.000, have been settled In Palestine, bringing with them £10,000.000 In capital which they have Invested In agriculture and Industry.
Fourteen thousand of these German Jews —former artisans, professional and business men— have gone on the land, 9,000 In private small holdings, 5,000 in the ” communal” settlements The others have been established In the towns and ” colonies ” as tradesmen and workers. Professional men. the lawyers, doctors, teachers, have found employment hi building, bricklaying, road construction. and in the factories as well as In the hospitals, schools and colleges.
THIS Jewish settlement accomplished despite drastic immigration restrictions and years of terrorism and civil unrest. Had Britain, the Mandatory Power. opened wider the doors of Palestine there Is no doubt that many more of Germany’s refugees would have found asylum there.
Assuming freedom of entry, experts maintain that Palestine can settle comfortably another million of Europe’s homeless and hopeless Jews.
Viscount Samuel, formerly High Commissioner of Palestine, is by no means an extravagant advocate of large scale Jewish Immigration. Yet he has declared that there is room In Palestine for a population of not less than 3,000,000. including one million Arabs.
With an existing total population of about 1,300.000, there is, on this basis, accommodation tor at least 1,500.000 more people. If that is so. the problem of European Jewry and of those nations that claim to be burdened by surplus Jews is well on the way to solution.
It is conservatively estimated that in Western Palestine there are 500,000 acres of Irrigable land of which less than one fourth has been made available tor agriculture.
It the whole available area were. cultivated. 75.000 families could be settled on It. At present, only 15,000 families live directly on the land. There Is room, therefore. It is claimed tor another 60,000 families, or 300,000 additional individuals.
ALONGSIDE each agricultural family, two non-agricultural families could be settled, giving another 600,000 individuals tor Industry and the professions. This Is the basis ot Jewish economy In Palestine. one-third to agriculture, two-thirds to trade and Industry.
Jewish experts calculate thatover a period ol ten years Palestine can absorb, without difficulty. over 1,000,000 new Inhabitants.
This estimate lakes no account of the potentialities of Palestine as the entrepot of the Near East and the effect upon it of the necessary development of the surrounding countries providing new opportunities tor an Increased trading population.
Nor does the estimate take into account the possibilities of Jewish co-operation with Transjordan, vast, fertile, sparsely populated and undeveloped, and of the great area of Southern Palestine, the Negev, as yet unsurveyed and unpeopled, which may become available tor Jewish colonisation. IT Is noteworthy that out of Palestine’s 6.000 square miles Jews now own only 560, with a population of 800 to the square mile.. On 5,400 square miles 900,000 Arabs are settled—180 to the square mile.
Palestine, therefore, must be the chief consideration of the Evian Conference if It will deal, as It must, with the refugee problem in a practical way.
But Palestine alone is not enough, tor there are still tour millions left in Europe. Of these, one million .will require to be absorbed by other countries, the United States, South America, and elsewhere, at the rate of 100,000 a year over the next ten years. Two millions must remain in Europe. For them there is no escape.
What is to become o( these? Evian must proclaim that the settlement o( refugees is no acknowledgment of persecution and the deprivation of rights. Justice demands that these remaining two millions must be given th” right to live and earn, unless they are to perish.
ABOVE all, the Conference will have” to con sider means to facilitate emigration to the one country which has shown the capacity to absorb those for whom Central Europe declares there is no place.
And this Involves pressure on Great Britain, the custodian of the Jewish National Home, to end political uncertainty in Palestine and to provide facilities through the removal of Immigration restrictions tor the entry of Jews seeking asylum and freedom.
Whatever else the conference may consider and propose, that remains the kernel of what must oe a basic solution to a basic problem. The essential answer to Whither? Is. In the final analysis, In Palestine, the Land of •Israel.
U.S. Immigration Expert For Germany
After a depressing start, the Evian Conference concluded last Friday in a mood of qualified optimism, which was heightened by the reference to Kenya by Lord Winterton, the British delegate, as a possible home for Jewish refugees, and the departure for Germany of Mr. George Brant, the United States immigration expert. Mr. Brant is to conduct a confidential tour of inspection, it is stated, and his mission is said to have the full approval of President Roosevelt.
Mr. Myron C. Taylor, the United States delegate, summed up the feeling of other delegates when he declared, in his concluding speech, that machinery had been put in motion which “will bring a real improvement in the life and prospects of many millions.” The Evian meeting, he said was only a beginning, and a prospect had been opened for increased admittance of refugees.
Thy permanent machinery to be set up, Mr. Taylor added, would take into account the claims and testimonies of private organisations. Orderly, emigration plus taking out of capital by emigrants, he said, was imperative for world peace. “Disorderly exodus might result in international unrest. – Our work will continue tirelessly in order that the hope of men, women, and children who place their faith in our effort may not be dispelled in their sufferings and bitterness.”
M. Henry Berenger, head of the French delegation, emphasised that for the first time the United States were joining a permanent international body dealing with non-American affairs.
” No Opening of Doors of Palestine “
Lord Winterton utilised his concluding speech for repairing his omission to refer to Palestine. But what he had to say was not encouraging. He claimed that Palestine stood on a footing of its own and could not usefully be taken into account at the present stage in connection with the refugee problems.
” It has been represented in some quarters that the whole question at least of Jewish refugees could be solved if only the gates of
Palestine were thrown open to the Jewish immigrants without restriction of any kind,” Lord Winterton said: ” I should like to say as emphatically as I can that I regard any such proposition as wholly untenable. Firstly, Palestine is hot a large country, and, apart from that, there are special considerations arising out of the terms of the Mandate and out of the local situation which it is impossble to ignore.
“His Majesty’s Government has, as the Mandatory Power, a direct obligation out of the terms of the Mandate to facilitate Jewish immigration into Palestine under suitable conditions. This responsibility it has discharged and will continue to discharge in the light of the conditions actually prevailing from time to time,” he added. “I need not enlarge on the conditions prevailing at the present time. The acute problem that has arisen and the special difficulties with which the Mandatory Government is confronted are matters of general knowledge. They have led to the proposal of drastic changes in the political structure of the country, the practical aspects of which are still under active investigation. Pending the completion of these investigations, it has been found necessary, not indeed to discontinue the Jewish immigration—that has never been contemplated—but to subject it to certain restrictions of a purely temporary and exceptional character, the object of which is to maintain within reasonable limits the existing balance of population pending a final decision on the political future of the country.”
The arrangements now in force; declared Lord Winterton, were purely temporary in character and were designed to cope with what might be described as a period of transition. They would be subject to revision when the investigations were completed and the Mandatory Power was in a position to review the whole question in the ligh of the results.
East Africa and the Jews
Lord Winterton then went on to sweeten his.Palestine pill by outlining possibilities for Jewish settlement in Kenya.
“The possibility offered by Kenya for the small-scale settlement of Jewish refugees has been under consideration for some time past,” he said. ” After preliminary discussions with the local authorities the private organisation concerned sent out an expert adviser to investigate the question on the spot. It is understood that his report is favourable and that a scheme has been
evolved and is now under active consideration
for the acquisition of private land in the colony.
“What precise form this plan may ultimately take I am not now in a position to say,” he added, ” but in any case it is quite clear that the project of settlement must be a general one. There can be no question of mass immigration or of disturbing land allotted for native occupation. As regards possibilities elsewhere in East Africa, I have not yet the material to enable me to add to what I said last week, but I should like to repeat that inquiries are being actively pursued and that there is every desire both on the part of his Majesty’s Government and of the colonial authorities to render any assistance .that may be found practicable.”
The report of the Technical Sub-Committee as finally adopted stated that certain countries had indicated their desire to consider plans for settlement of. refugees in their territories when such plans were presented by official or private organisations.
The conference, at its concluding session, asked Mr. Taylor to remain Chairman until the London session next month. The work of the conference will, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, continue under Mr. Taylor’s Chairmanship in Paris until Sunday, and will then be transferred to London.
Mr. Brant’s Mission
As soon as the London Conference, due to open on August 3rd, is over, Mr. Taylor has informed the J.T.A., the appointed American Director would go to Germany to start negotiations which would deal not only with the question of property, but also the question of securing normal treatment for the Jew while still in Germany.
The Director would also consider the possibilities of immigration and colonisation in certain colonial territorities as well as overseas countries. ” We mean business,” Mr, Taylor added.
It is learnt that Mr. George Brant, the U.S. immigration expert, left Evian last week for Germany on a confidential tour of inspection which will embrace Vienna, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Breslau, Hamburg, and possibly Berlin. His mission will be to collect on the spot the most accurate available information on the refugee problem, for submission to the London Conference. His repor will form the basis of future approaches to the German Government by the Director. Evian circles regard Mr. Brant’s tour as very important, since it shows the keen interest taken in the refugee problem by the U.S. Government.
Future Work For the Refugees
The terms of the resolution, as finally decided on by the Evian Conference, read as follows:
The Inter-Governmental Committee, having met at Evian, France, from July 6th to July 15th, 1938,
(1) Considering that the question of involuntary emigration has assumed major proportions and that the fate of the unfortunate people affected has become a problem for inter-Governmental deliberation.
(2) Aware that the involuntary emigration of large numbers of people, of different creeds, economic conditions, professions and trades, from the country or countries where they have been established is disturbing to the general economy, since these persons are obliged to seek refuge, either, temporarily or permanently, in other countries at a time when there is serious unemployment; that in consequence countries of refuge and settlement are faced with problems not only of an economic and social nature but also of public order, and that there is a severe strain on the administrative facilities and absorptive capacities of the receiving countries;
(3) Aware, moreover, that the involuntary emigration of people in large numbers has become so great that it renders racial and religious problems more acute; increases international unrest; and may hinder seriously the processes of appeasement in international relations.
(4) Believing that it is essential that a long-range programme should be envisaged, whereby assistance to involuntary emigrants, actual and potential, may be co-ordinated within the framework of existing migration faws and practices of governments;
(5) Considering that if countries of refuge or settlement are to co-operate in finding an orderly solution of the problem before the Committee they should have the collaboration of the country of origin and are therefore persuaded that it will make its contribution by enabling involuntary emigrants to take with them their property and possessions and emigrate in an orderly manner.
(6) Welcoming heartily the initiative taken by
the President of the United States of America in caning the inter-GovcrnmentaI meeting at Evian for the primary purpose of facilitating involuntary emigration from Germany (including . Austria), and expressing profound appreciation to the French Government for its courtesy in receiving the inter-Governmental meeting at Evian;
(7) Bearing in mind the resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on May 14th, 1938, concerning international assistance to refugees;
(8) (a) that the persons coming within the scope of the activity of the inter-Governmental Committee shall be (1) persons who hive not already left their country of origin (Germany including Austria), but who must emigrate on account of their political opinions, religious beliefs, or racial origin and (2) persons as defined in (1) who have already left their country of origin and who have not yet established themselves permanently elsewhere;
(b) that the Governments participating in the Inter-GovernmentaI Committee shall continue to furnish the Committee, for its strictly confidential information, with (1) details regarding such immigrants as each Government may be prepared to receive under its existing laws and practices and (2) details of these laws and practices;
(c) that in view of the fact that the countries of refuge and settlement are entitled to take into account’the economic and social adaptability of immigrants, these should in many cases be required to accept, at least for a time, changed conditions of. living in the countries of settlement;
(d) that the Governments of the countries of refuge and settlement should not assume any obligations for the financing of involuntary emigration;
(c) that, with regard to the documents required by the countries of refuge and settlement, the Governments represented on the inter-Governmental Committee should consider the adoption of the following provision:
In those individual immigration cases in which the usually required documents emanating from foreign official sources are found not to be available, there should be accepted such other documents serving the purpose of the requirements of law, as may be available to the immigrant. and that, as regards the document which may be used to an involuntary emigrant by the country of his foreign residence to serve the purpose of a passport, note be taken of the several international agreements providing for the issue of a travel document serving the purpose of a passport, and of the advantage of their wide application.
(f) that there should meet at London an Inter-Governmental Committee consisting of such representatives as the Governments participating in the Evian meeting may desire to designate.
The London Committee
This Committee shall continue and develop the work of the Inter-GovernmentaI meeting at Evian and shall be constituted and shall function in the following manner:
There shall be a Chairman of this Committee and four Vice-Chairmen.
There shall be a Director of Authority, appointed by the Inter-Governmental Committee, who shall be guided by it in his actions. He shall undertake negotiations to improve the .present conditions of exodus and to replace them by conditions of orderly emigration. He shall approach the Governments of the countries of refuge and settlement with a view to developing opportunities for permanent settlement.
The Inter-Governmental Committee, recognising the value of the work of the existing refugee services of the League of Nations and of the studies of migration made by the International Labour Office, shall co-operate fully with these services, and the Inter-Governmental Committee at London shall consider the meant by which the co-operation of the Committee and the Director with these services shall be established.
The Inter-Governmental Committee at its forthcoming meeting at London will consider the scale on which its expenses shall be apportioned among the participating Governments.
(9) That the Inter-Governmental Committee in its continued form shall hold a first meeting at London on August 3rd, 1938.
Imperial and Foreign
The Fascist “RaKe’s Progress” WITHIN THE NAZI ORBIT
[From a Correspondent]
With the publication by a group of university professors, under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Propaganda, of a document approving of racialism and all the “Aryan” mouthings of Nazi theorists, it has become clear to the world at large that Italian Fascism has at last entered a phase where anti-Semitism is likely to become as integral a part of it as of German Nazism. Indeed, the German Nazis have been quick to realise this, and have hailed the publication of the professors’ document as an event of international importance.
The latest reports are that Italian anti-Semitism is shortly to be given a legal basis by the introduction of a numerus clausus for Jews at the universities and in the civil service. Signor Gayda, Mussolini’s adviser on foreign policy, last week declared in the giornale d’italia: “The problem of race is of concrete and immediate importance. The Fascist regime places it at the base of its national construction.” The tribuna asserted that ” Fascism is the purest manifestation of the ‘Aryan’ spirit.” Mussolini is stated to have approved plans for the publication of a review to be called ” The Defence of the Race,” and to be devoted to the discussion of racial problems. The first number is to appear next Monday. An article in the popolo d’italia, attributed to the Duce, declared that “without a clear race consciousness the Empire cannot be preserved. Italian women and men neither have nor had anything to do with other races Semitic or non-European. Only in a period of total national humiliation could such serious insults to the Italian people be given.” General Starace, the Secretary of the Fascist Party, this week received the university professors and announced that a study of racial policy would shortly begin at all Italian cultural institutions. Starace added:
“Our racial campaign must be followed by precise political action.”
The Vatican has protested vehemently against the new development, and the Rome diocesan magazine, distributed to Catholics throughout the city, states: “As Catholics and as Italians, we shall reject this new religion of blood …
which means the essence of haired, warfare, and persecution.” Similar denunciations have appeared in the Vatican osservatore romano, but were kept from the general Press by ths censor.
Those who have followed events in Italy over the past few years will not be greatly surprised by the present development. It is the logical outcome of a process which has been making headway ever since the coming to power of Hitler in 1933. But until 1934, there was still strong hostility to the Nazis and their theories; and the Italo-German tension over Austria, culminating in the murder of Chancellor Dollfuss, increased the antagonism between the two countries. The first noticeable signs of a concerted anti-Jewish movement appeared at the end of 1935, coincident with the Abyssinian conflict, a section of the Press leading the way. However, the attack failed to win sympathy, and about a year passed during which Italy’s 50,000 Jews breathed freely.
Farinacci’s Tactics.
Then, with surprising abruptness, the attack was renewed with increased violence. Roberto Farinacci, Editor of REGIME fascista and a leading member of the Fascist Party, placed himself at the head of it, directing it with Macchiavellian cunning. Jews were not being attacked because they were Jews, so it appeared, but because ” world Jewry” was pro-Zionist and anti-Fascist. And, curiously enough. not all the assurances of loyalty made by alarmed Jewish leaders had any effect. The regime fascista intensified its campaign. Still more significant, it began to express tentative approval of the Nazi persecutions.
The latter half of 1936, which saw the beginning of the Spanish conflict and Italian and German intervention, also saw the growing tendency to accuse the Jews of opposing Italian foreign policy. The anti-Jewish outburst in the Italian North African colony of Tripoli, .about the same time, was a dangersigrial. Jews, it will be recalled, .were publicly flogged for refusing to open their shops on the Sabbath. One leading paper, the gazzetta del popolo, formerly notable for its opposition to the Nazis, began to attack “Jewish Communism,” and the popolo d’italia, in January, 1937, published one of the fiercest anti-Jewish attacks that had yet appeared.
In vain did Signer Gayda, then a holder of more moderate views, urge that Farinacci and his associates be restrained. By March, 1937, matters had reached a stage where the extremist Press, led by the scurrilous tl tevere, was calling for anti-Jewish legislation on Nazi lines. Signor Preziosi, the Editor .of the Italian version of the “Protocols of Zion ” forgery, was received by Mussolini himself.
The Berlin-Rome Axis
Increasingly, Italian policy towards the Jews began to revolve round the Berlin-Rome axis. The popolo d’italia declared point-blank, in the early part of 1937, that Italian-Jewish opposition to Nazi racialism was irreconcilable with Italo-German friendship. Italians began to visit Germany in order to study Nazi racial policy, and Italian newspapers published interviews with Julius Streicher.
The Government, however, still continued to assure the Jews that there was no cause for anxiety. Dr. Prato, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, raised the matter with Count Ciano, the Foreign Minister, and was told that the Government’s policy towards the Jews remained unchanged. Crisis followed crisis within the Jewish Community itself, asgroups of Jews hastened to dissociate themselves from Zionism. The Jew-baiters, however, intensified their praise of Nazi racialism. Press attacks and official reassurances followed each otherin bewildering .succession. July, 1937, marked a new and ominous development. The poison of Jew-hatred, injected by the Press, was taking effect, and latent anti-Semitism began to rise to the surface. It was reported that sports clubs were beginning to boycott Jews. A manifesto issued by Jews reaffirming their loyalty was followed by a short respite. Then a campaign was launched for the boycott of Jewish hotels and .restaurants.
The end of 1937 saw a tightening of Italo-German relationship, and with it a ban on the publication by the Italian Jewish Press of news from Germany from other than official Nazi sources. Julius Streicher visited Rome and was received by the Propaganda Minister, Signer Alfieri. His stuermer was now being sold openly in the streets. So was a cheap edition of the “Protocols.”
This year has seen a tremendous speeding-up of the process. There were numerous Visits by Nazi leaders to Italy, culminating in Hitler’s visit in May; A drive commenced against Jewish immigrants, especially students. The regime fascista took up the campaign for a numerus clausiis. Protests by the Vatican against the spread of Nazi racial theories proved fruitless in checking the onslaught.
” Numerus Clausus ” Threat
In February of this year, the Government made its first official pronouncement on the Jewish question. While denying that it was about to inaugurate an anti-Jewish policy, it warned Jews not to occupy a “disproportionate part” in public life – an obvious numerus clausus threat. il tevere was jubilant.
In June, Farinacci was appointed Minister of State, to the accompaniment of the congratulations of the Nazis. Simultaneously, his paper, the regime fascista, renewed its attack. This month. Dr. Frank, the Nazi Minister of Justice, addressed and urged Italy to adopt German legislation based on blood and race. Signer Solmi, the Italian Minister of Justice, who was present, is said to have promised that Italian lawyers would study German law and co-ordinate it with Roman law. Another Nazi visitor was the notorious Colonel FIeischhauer, the head of the anti-Jewish ” Welt-dienst,” who had conversations with Prcziosi and other Italian anti-Semites. Interviews with him appeared in the regime fascista and the giornalissimo, a gutter-sheet of the stuermer type. It was announced that the Nazi “Exhibition of Degenerate Art” was to be displayed in a number of Italian towns.
il tevere, in a series of articles on “Racialism in Italy,” praised Nazism and attacked Italian Jewry; and there was an assault on foreign Jewish students at Padua University, Evian has supplied the latest opportunity for an outburst of Jew-baiting. It preceded, by a few days, the publication of the present racial pronouncement. To-day, after four years’ preparation, the stage seems finally set for yet another onslaught against a helpless Jewry.
“No Contradiction Between Nazism and Fascism”
Dr. Gross, the head of the Nazi Race-Political Department and one of the leading Nazi race-theorists, describes the new developments in Italy as an “epoch-making event.” Writing in the voelkischer beobachter, he declares that the sensation caused in democratic countries is comprehensible in view of the belief hitherto held by them of an “alleged ideological contradiction between Fascism and Nazism.” He goes on: “For years, attempts were made to console themselves over the growing political understanding between the two authoritarian nations by the childish opinion that the philosophical differences between Germany, and Italy were nevertheless so strong that, in the long, run, a weakening of the axis would be inevitable. We are aware how considerably, in, certain quarters, the alleged differences as regards conceptions of nation and race were taken into account in this reckoning, .and how zealously efforts were made, right until recently, to construct a gulf between Nazi racial ideas and the Fascist idea.
Dr. Gross goes on to claim that the Fascists arrived at their new racial ideology independently of the Nazis (this despite the constant visits and lectures of Nazi theoris!). It arose, he says, from Fascists’ own experience and investigations.
“There is no doubt,” Dr. Gross concludes, “that the Italian declaration and the subsequent formation of a central department has powerfully strengthened the ties and friendship between the axis Powers.”
Dr. David Kleinlerer, Rome Correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and a resident in Italy for fifteen years, was last Friday ordered to leave the country .within eight days. No specific reason for the expulsion was given. The order, which was issued by the Ministry of Propaganda, merely referred to Dr. Kleinlerer’s “general attitude.” Dr. Kleinlerer was recently decorated by King Victor Emmanuel with the Order of Knights of the Crown of Italy. He is a Polish citizen, is well known as a writer on international jurisprudence, and has been a frequent contributor to Italian legal and learned publications. The American Embassy in Rome has been informed of the case. Two other Jewish Press correspondents are also being expelled.
ROME, Thursday.
The Italian Government has now taken up a definite position on the racial problem.
This is manifested through a report issued by a group of unnamed pro- fessors at the Rome University. Their findings have now been published.
The preamble states that the report was drafted under the guidance of the Ministry for Popular Culture, formerly called Press and Propaganda. The professors’ report declares that the racial composition of the Italians to-day is practically identical, with what it was 1,000 years ago. It is purely Aryan. ltalian civilisation is also purely Aryan. The time has now come for the Italians frankly to proclaim themselves racialists in the Italian sense of the term.
The theory that large numbers of people belong to. other races from Africa, for instance, is declared to be a mere legend unsupported by historical fact. The Hebrews, states the report, do not belong to the Italian race, which must be classified as one of the home European races and Nordic also in that sense, although it is not to be presumed that Nordic means the same as the Nordic races of the North of Europe.
There exists in the world great races and little races. The Italian race belongs to the first category. Racialism in Italy must be treated from a purely biological standpoint, that is, not with regard to religion. A clear line must be drawn between the Mediterranean peoples of Europe and those peoples of Africa. These pronouncements have caused some searching of heart among Jews who have been born and bred here and those who have acquired Italian citizenship after taking refuge in this country on leaving Germany between 1933 and 1935. For some time it has been clear that since the establishment of the Rome-Berlin axis in 1936, the position of Jews in Italy has not been so assured as it was.
Recently Jews who have served for years in the Army and Navy and were due for promotion have failed to get promoted. Many have been quietly advised that they had better retire with the rank attained. Jewish scientists have also been unable to become members of the Italian Royal Academy although there is no open ban against them.
Signor Farinacci, editor of the “Regime Fascista” and former secretary of the Fascist party has been demanding a drastic reduction of the number of Jews on boards of large business combines and insurance companies which they control to a great extent.
This is the first pronouncement of Italian policy towards Jews since, Fcb. 16 when the Government issued the 14th number of “Informazione Diplomatica.”
This document categorally stated that the Fascist Government had no, intention whatsoever of taking political, economic or moral measures against the Jews, except those who are against the Fascist regime. Foreign newspaper polemics were responsible, it said, for the false rumours about the position of Jews in Italy.
The Italian Government believes that the Jewish problem can be solved only by creating a Hebrew State, but not in Palestine. A specific Jewish problem, according to the Italian Government, docs not exist in Italy. There are be- twccn 50.000 and 60.000 Jews amid a| total population of 44,000,000 Italians of pure Aryan race.
Imperial and Foreign
With the death of Pope Pius XI, Jews throughout the world mourn thc loss of one of the stoutest defenders of racial tolerance in modern limes, and of one who, in recent years and months, grew ever more outspoken in his condemnation of the anti-Semites in Germany, Italy, and elsewhere. The malevolence with which Nazi and Fascist Jew-baitcrs attacked him is ample proof of the telling force of his denunciations.
It suffices to recall some of his recent utterances on the racial question to establish his claim to be one of the greatest modern exponents of the principles of Christian tolerance. Right from the advent of the Nazi regime, his hostility to Jew-baiting was made clear, and on numerous occasions he openly denounced the persecutions of Jews and Christians. The Encyclical Divini Redempionis, which he promulgated in May, 1937, challengingly proclaimed the equality and brotherhood of man and defended man’s liberty and the rights of the human person. It was followed by a further letter, addressed primarily to the German Episcopate, which was read in the Catholic churches throughout the Reich, in which the excesses of National-Socialism and its invasions of spiritual liberty were strongly condemned, both on general ethical grounds and as offences against the Concordat that had been concluded in 1933.
When Hitler visited Rome a year ago, and swastika flags were flaunted in the city streets, the Pope declared: “It is sad that on the Feast Day of the Cross of Christ the banners of another cross, which certainly is not that of Christ, should have been hoisted in Rome. This is out of place and out of time.”
But it was when the Italian Fascists last year took over the entire Nazi Jew-baiting programme, lock, stock, and barrel, that the Pope’s billerncss began to overflow. “We have to ask ourselves,” the Pope said, “why Italy should have to go and copy Germany with such unhappy imitativeness. We want to separate nothing in the great human race. People forget that the human species is one great human race, in which there is no room for special races.”
Addressing four hundred teachers of the Catholic Action in Italy last. November, the Pope declared: “It has been said that Italian racialism does not wish to make polemics in the field of religion and philosophy. Nor does the Pope wish to polemise but, like the Apostles, only to tell the truth; but no one with knowledge of the Catholic doctrine can look with indifference on words of this kind. How, in fact, can the relations between race and race not be a subject of concern to religion and’philosophy?”
In a message to Belgian Catholic leaders, the Pope declared: “Anti-Semitism cannot be reconciled with the thought of the sublime reality of the Biblical text. It is a foul movement, a movement in which we Christians must not take part.
” Christians should have nothing to do with anti-Semitism. We give everybody the right to defend himself and to take all the necessary steps to protect his threatened interests, but anti-Semilism cannot be tolernted, for spiritually we are pro-Semitic.”
The Pope’s Christmas Eve message—his last—roundly condemned the attacks on the Church by the Italian authorities, and denounced the new “Aryan” restrictive measures on marriage as a breach of the Concordat.
One of his most pointed actions was to proscribe difesa della razza, the Italian anti-Jewish publication, from all Catholic religious and educational institutions. Announcing this proscription, the osservatore romano condemned the publication for its “immoral articles denouncing the Hebrew race.”
Jewry Pays its Tribute
Tributes to the .Pope from Jews all over the world bear witness to the veneration in which the Pope was held.
The Chief Rabbi, Dr. J. H. Hertz, says in a message of condolence to Cardinal, Hinslcy: “Jews throughout the world will revere the Pope’s noble memory as a feared champion of righteousness against the powers of irreligion, racialism, and inhumanity.”
Cardinal Hinsley has also been sent a message of sympathy by Mr. Neville Laski, President of the Board of Deputies and the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation of London. In replies to the Chief Rabbi and Mr. Laski, the Cardinal expresses thanks in his own name and that of his fellow-Catholics in England for the expressions of sympathy. “It is a great consolation to us lo know that the Pope’s efforts for peace and fraternal charity were appreciated by those outside the Catholic Church,” he declares.
Chief Rabbi Dr. Herzog of Palestine, who is attending the Palestine Conferences in London, has sent a telegram to Cardinal Pacelli expressing the sympathy of Jewry on the death of the Pope and referring to the great loss sustained by the Catholic Church and humanity in general.”
A message from the Alliance Israélite Universelle reads: “The Alliance will never forget wilh what courage and mercy Pope Pius XI took up the cause of all persecuted, without distinction of race or faith, in the name of the eternal principle whose prominent custodian he was.”
Rabbi Dr. Stephen Wise, President of the Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress, says, in a message to Cardinal Pacelli, “The Jewish world will never forget his courageous attitude in favour of liberty and human dignity, and the protection he assured to innumerable victims of racial persecutions.”
Many similar tributes were paid in Synagogues in Britain last Sabbath.
A MEMORABLE INTERVIEW Condemning the Blood Libel
Dr. Cecil Rolh writes: I had the honour of being with the late Pope for a very few minutes; but I regard it as one of the great experiences and privileges of my life. I had passed through all the pomp. and circumstance of the Vatican, with the magnificently-uniformed Swiss Guard, or the Noble Guard, or the Papal gendarmerie on duty at every door and saluting with impressive precision and clangour. The Sala de Tronetto, where I was received, was an art-lover’s dream, with gorgeous inlays on the floor and priceless hangings on the walls and superb frescos above. At length, into all this magnificence there came towards me a tired old man. He had got up that morning, I was told, as every morning; at six o’clock. He had nothing but a cup of black coffee to sustain him until his luncheon. When I saw him, it was already well past noon. It was towards the end of a long and tiring morning, but he still had other interviews and other audiences to give before he was able to have his refreshment and to claim a little rest. Yet in the midst of that busy morning he found time to spare for a Jew, and to receive from his hands a copy of the new edition of that noble condemnation of the Ritual Murder Libel drawn up two centuries earlier by his illustrious predecessor, Pope Clement XIV (before his accession to the Papacy).
It was not, of course, a mere matter of presentation; by receiving in this formal fashion the new edition of this document, the Pope, in effect, associated himself with the repudiation of the foul libel, which had not long before been repeated in particularly loathsome form in Germany. And he insisted, during the few moments of conversation, how the protection of the Jews had not been confined to a single Pope but had been the invariable policy of the Papacy.
Certainly, during the intervening years; that courageous voice raised unfalteringly- and unwearyingly in the Vatican, protesting against oppression, condemning racial madness, and reminding the world of the ultimate spirilual values above States and statecraft, showed that this was an aspect which he appreciated to the full, and earned his memory an undying claim to the gratitude of the Jewish people. At the end, when he extended his benediction “to all my enterprises,” I felt profoundly moved and profoundly privileged. The old man then proceeded wearily to his next audience. I had even then a sense of what has become so apparent to the world at large in recent months— of a sense of duty overcoming physical considerations which in another man would have been imperative, of a tired body borne onwards by an indomitable soul. May he rest in peace, with all the other righteous ones of the nations of the world !

Youth Needs British Union
Modern Thought in Modern Age. BRITISH UNION is essentially a movement of Youth, and more so than ever will this be true in the future. The older generation in many cases find it difficult to adapt their minds to anything new. Many of them have not got past the stage outlined by Gilbert’s famous lines: “Every little girl and boy who’s born into this world alive is either a little liberal or else a little conservative.”
The only real difference nowadaysis that liberals have disappeared to all intents and purposes and Labour has taken their place. The older generationis finding it difficult to adjust its ideas on modern lines and British Unionis a thing outside the ken of many people.
But to the youth of the country now growing up, British Union, like aeroplanes and motor cars, is something they have always known and they take to its virile policy as a bird takes to the air.
It is now more than six years since British Union was founded, and many of those who were between the ages of14 and 18 in those days are now between 20 and 24, and are holding responsible posts in the Movement throughout the country. personal of movement nourishes , it has been due to the, efforts of a natural youth leader, has got his friends together and formed a section. When British Union started, these young- sters, would have been eligible only for the youth movement. As they have passed on into ranks of the Blackshirts so their places are being filled by other youngsters. These present-day Cadets can hardly remember politics when there was no British Union.
As time goes onwe shall look to the youth movement more and more for our recruits to the senior branch of the movement. Only adults who have rendered very special service will be admitted direct to our ranks.
The youth movement to be a success must stand on its on feet. Youth must run it and the youth leaders will find themselves as time goes on.
In many places we already have flourishimg Youth Sections. In no cases has this been due to spoon-feeding by National Headquarters, in every case where a section of the youth movement flourishes it has been due to the personal efforts of a natural youth leader, who has got his friends together and has formed a section.
If you have not got a flourishing branch of movement in your district it is nobody’s fault but your own. It is up to you to do what has been done elsewhere. You can do it if you are really keen about the job. There is a potential youth leader in every district and no district can consider itself complete unless it has a youth section. People have told me that they cannot form or keep a youth section in their district because there is nothing for the youth to do. That merely prove that either either the district or the youth leader has no initiative.
There is plenty of work for the youth in British Union today apart from district work. Cadets can indulge in physical fitness in classes, form cycling clubs, go in for signalling, woodcraft and hundred and one other pastimes which help to weld them into a corporate whole. In election times a strong youth section will be invaluable as those who have fought elections and had youth sections to help them have already found out. Every district should be well aware of the fact that their future lies in the youth and it is to their own advantage to help to foster the youth movement in any way they can.
Powerful Influences at Work
The influx of alien Jews into Britain continues The national Press in its columns, hide the identity of these immigrants by referring to them as German, Austrian and Czech refugees. The British public are asking questions: How do these aliens get into these country? The answer is: Some come legally, the majority are being by back-door methods – forged passports, week-end tickets from France, forged birth certificates, impersonation of British sea-man, are the chief methods adopted.
The police and immigration officials are powerless to stop the influx of aliens to our shores. A few months ago police were investigating, in East London, a factory for the manufacture of forged birth certificates. The case was reported in the Press. That was the last the British public heard of the investigation. Why did the hush up this investigation?
POWERFUL influences are at work in Britain in aid of these alien Jewish immigrants. That influence is the money power, which controls Press, political parties, and politicians. This money power is International Finance, which is controlled by aliens.
Not only do these forces use their power, aiding alien immigration into Britain, they are collecting huge sums of money in this country to aid alien Jews in Czecho-Slovakia and elsewhere, while two millions of our people of the British blood are unemployed, without enough to eat.
It is downright wickedness to allow such a state of affairs to continue.
Let us take our stand and say we have no room in Britain for anyone but ourselves, when we have give work, wages and food to all our people who are in need. Then it will be time for us to think of other people who live in foreign countries. Wake up, Britain, support British Union, unless you would become drawers of waters, hewers of wood, slaves of International Finance, which is mainly Jewish.
While financial democracy in Britain heaps up gold that nobody can eat, while unemployed miners huddle in bed by daylight because they cannot buy coal for their hearths, the great Italian revolution continues into the field of finan- ce. Gold indeed Italy needed during the Abyssinian expedition, and so great was the response to the public appeal that she emerged from the conflict with greater reserves than at the beginning (Morning Post, 17/9/36). But the futility of this metal as a credit base is fully realized, and we cannot do better than quote from the Rome correspondent of that Journal, who reports Senator Bevione’s announcement of the previous day on the attitude of Fascismo to gold, and mentions, with comments, the provisions of the new managed currency system;
“The gold requirements of Italy,” he says, ” will be determined in relation to Italy’s international trade requirements, and to the administration of international accounts. When the regulation of these accounts is completed, then gold will have lost a great part of those imperative demands upon which the attention of bankers and industrialists is too much fixed. The more the citizens confront the necessity of national production the less necessary gold becomes.”
This exposition of the Italian attitude towards gold, of course, is only applicable in a State in which special laws, such as those passed by the Fascist Government, apply. The main characteristic of the Fascist financial laws can be summed up as follows:
1. The financial system ceases to be independent of the State and can no longer be influenced or dominated by private groups working for their own ends or indirectly for other groups.
2. The system becomes national in so far as there are no international influences or interests moving within it. The series of special restrictive laws prevent this.
3. The Corporations Ministry coordinates and controls the complete national productive economic system.
4. There is complete State control of savings.
5. The system really rests on what may be called the credit of the nation and not on the gold reserve. These principles are all operative in Italian commercial and economic life through the specific laws.
Italy is not a rich nation. But she has arisen in revolutionary demand that the people shall have the full use of what wealth they do possess. Fascist Government has refused to tolerate international financial interests which starve the people for sectional gain. Whatever goods there are to buy, there shall be money-tickets with which to buy them.
That is the meaning of a managed currency; but this simple conception requires in Britain as in Italy a revolution for its establishment. The revolution must be carried through by legal and constitutional methods, through the conquest of a Parliamentary majority; the British Union candidates to whom the people can entrust their mandate at the next election are now being publicly announced.
TO every informed person the inevitability of an open clash between Fascism and International Jewry has long been obvious. For Fascism arose as Italy’s (and Europe’s) reply and antidote to Bolshevism, and Bolshevism is essentially the creation of International Jewry. Is it necessary at this time to emphasise the point? To remind the public that the patron-saint of Bolshevists is the Jew Mordecai, better known as Karl Marx? That the Russian Revolution was both financed and organised almost entirely by Jews That Lenin and Stalin, though apparently not of Jewish descent, both married Jewesses and worked in the most intimate contact with Jews? That wherever Bolshevism has raised its head, the leadership has been Jewish? That the Hungarian Terror of 1919 was presided over by the Jew Bela Kun? That the same Bela Kun was more recently sent to foment the Red Revolution in Spain? That the Bavarian Revolution of 1918 was led by the Jews Kurt Eisner, Cohen, Rosenfeld, etc.? That the Red Revolution in Prussia was led by Lundsberg, Rosa Luxembourg and other Jews? That Jews were responsible for the butchery of the Romanoff family? All these things are a matter of history.
Now, if Bolshevism is Jewish and if Fascism arose as an antidote to Bolshevism, the enmity of Jewry towards Fascism needs little demonstration. And, indeed, as early as June 4,1919, Mussolini had written in the “Popolo d’ltalia” words which must have put him once for all in Jewry’s black books.
“If Petrograd does not fall, if Denikin marks time, this is due to the will of the great Jewish bankers of London and New York, bound by ties of race to those Jews who at Moscow and at Budapest are taking their revenge against the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia, 80 per cent. of the directors of the Soviets are Jewish. . . . World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Those who control the coffers of the nations direct their policies. Behind the puppets of Paris are the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the rulers of Petrograd and Budapest. Race does not betray race. Bolshevism is defended by the International Money Power. That is the broad truth. And the International Money Power is controlled and dominated by the Jews.”
International Jewry has done little to conceal its hatred of the man who wrote these words. Through its enormous influence over the Press, the Cinema, the Radio, it has poured forth a continuous stream of anti-Fascist propaganda in the so-called “democratic” countries, misrepresenting and maligning Fascism in a way which is almost incredible in its virulence and its disregard for truth. After the closing of the Masonic Lodges in Italy, this campaign was redoubled in intensity. Nor has Jewry been content to leave the matter at mere propaganda. Its strategy has taken the form of a siege, which, like military sieges, includes two complementary modes of attack; namely, to reduce the defenders by starvation and to reduce them by direct military action.
Italy—and, since the advent to power of Herr Hitler, the same thing is true of Germany—is in the position of being besieged by International Jewry. By tariff and other manipulations, it has been made increasingly difficult for her to secure the raw materials and other necessities on which her economic life is based. It is for this reason that Italy (and Germany after her) has been compelled to adopt the policy of economic self-sufficiency (or autarchy) which the democratic countries so greatly resent.
The siege reached its most critical moment during the Abyssinian War, when the Sanctions policy attempted to starve Italy into surrender. It still continues; but, since the failure of Sanctions, the energy of Italy’s enemies has been concentrated mainly on
building up a great military bloc which would dominate Italy not only by withholding supplies, but by the application or threat of overwhelming military force. To this Italy has replied by the Rome-Berlin axis, and its extension, in the form of the anti-Comintern Pact, to Japan.
Italy feels, then, that in effect she has long been undergoing a siege—a siege directed by International Jewry, acting through the Governments of Washington, Paris, London and Moscow. At the same time she has living in her midst at least 70,000 persons of the same blood and race as her besiegers. That sooner or later difficulties would arise over these 70,000 was a foregone conclusion.
Such is the general position. The precipitation of the crisis at a particular moment in 1938 may be due to several converging reasons. The inner circle of Fascists has from the beginning been aware of the Jewish problem and has taken measures gradually to remove Jews from key positions. Quietly but surely it has prepared for the inevitable clash. But it did not wish either to force the issue or to raise it publicly before the time was ripe. The raising of it today is not due to German pressure or dictation, as is sometimes supposed. But the formation of the Rome-Berlin axis has its importance, inasmuch as it gave Italy an added strength with which to face the concentrated fury to which her open flinging down of the gauntlet in the face of International Jewry must inevitably expose her. Again, information discovered in the archives of the late Viennese Government about Jewish activities in Italy was communicated to Signer Mussolini by Herr Hitler and hastened Italian precautions. There is reason to believe, also, that sections of Italian Jewry have not succeeded in concealing their marked sympathy for the Spanish Reds, and that they have helped them with money also. Again, the existence of Zionist propaganda among Italy’s Jews has emphasised the perils of a divided loyalty. Is the Jew’s first duty to his own race or to the State in which he is domiciled? The answer has not always appeared reassuring to Italian inquiry. The question was rendered the more acute by the conflict between Arab and Jew in Palestine, and Italy’s sympathy with the former. Italy was also alarmed at the influx of Jewish refugees from other countries crowding into a territory already highly populated and exposed to the dangers of an economic blockade. Again, Jews were discovered to be smuggling Italian currency out of the country and in other ways abetting the enemies of Italy beyond her frontiers, while Jewish writers and thinkers were felt to be spreading undesirable and weakening doctrines within. It is also whispered that the Italian Government has yet other reasons for its action, but does not disclose them for fear of inciting indiscriminate popular anger against the Jewish race as a whole. Finally, there was always the consideration that, in the uncertain conditions of today, economic siege might at any moment be changed into definite military siege. Was it not essential to take measures which might neutralise the power of the 70,000 Jews within her frontiers to give assistance to the besieging hosts set in motion by their fellow-Jews outside? Jews in Spain had once opened the gates of Spanish cities to the invading Moslem hosts. Might not history repeat itself? Italians have a long memo. But however suddenly the Jewish question may appear to have arisen in Italy, it is important to realise that the measures adopted to meet it are neither sudden nor improvised, but embody much thought and study of the problem by a body of experts. On the whole, they may be said to represent an orthodox point of view, and one which, while fully aware of the crucial nature of the problem, is yet free from any racial hatred or spirit of revenge. Indeed the new legislation is, in effect, like so much else in Fascism, a return to old Italian tradition.
For more than a thousand years there existed no Jewish question in the modern sense of the words. The much-abused Ghetto provided a good working arrangement which, in spite of friction, roughly satisfied the desires of both parties. It safeguarded for the Jew the racial purity, the religious separation and the secrecy of life which he has always so greatly valued. It satisfied the Christian’s desire to keep his religion free from Talmudic contamination and to keep the Jew out of public and social life. The materialistic philosophy of the 18th century, the advance of Judaeo-Masonic ideas, together with the French Revolution in which they issued, brought this salutary barrier between Jew and Christian toppling to the ground, and the Jewish current henceforward flowed freely into the stream of Christian life, with consequences whose disastrous nature we are only
now beginning to understand. Fascist legislation about the Jews represents an attempt to get back to the spirit, but not, of course, to the letter of an arrangement which for so many centuries served both parties in such good stead.
The Jew in our midst must be treated as a foreigner —that is the basis of the Fascist policy. A foreigner often enjoys an excellent position and standing in the country where he resides, out he is not allowed to take part in public life; he is not allowed a vote, nor is he eligible for election to Parliament or to hold positions in the Army, Navy or Air Force. From such activities Italy is determined to exclude her Jews. Nor does she intend that they should, as in the past, play a predominant part in her economic life. The channels in which that life flows must be determined by Italian nationals in accordance with Italian needs. The amount of property which can be held by Jews, whether in land, buildings or industrial shares, is limited in accordance with this principle. They can share in Italy’s economic life, but they cannot dominate it nor determine policy. Again, the old reluctance to countenance marriage between Jews and Christians is reflected in legislation of a drastic character. A study of what has happened in other countries has convinced the Italians of the wisdom of the old taboo in the interest of their race’s future. This separation of race is followed by a separation of education. The permeation of Italian education and thought by Jewish influences has caused very serious concern to Italian patriots, especially as it affects university circles. In future the Jew in Italy will attend Jewish schools and colleges, and will not be allowed to study and teach in Aryan institutions. What is this legislation, in effect, but a return under the conditions of modern life to principles tested out successfully for more than thirty generations?
The putting into effect of such a body of legislation. even when it is carried out by so kindly a nation as the Italian and even though many families are excepted in view of proved loyalty and distinguished public service, inevitably involves a certain amount of undeserved suffering in individual cases. It is pointed out, however, that such suffering, where it cannot be avoided, is the price that must be paid in order to save both Jews and Christians from much greater evils. Also that it is simply infinitesimal when compared with the appalling persecutions launched upon Christians by the Jewish masters of Russia, Hungary and Bed Spain in their hour of triumph.
The Jew, then, is to be treated like a foreigner. The Fascist Government recognises, however, that if he is to be deprived of a share in the public life of other countries, he should be afforded the chance of having a public life of his own. Accordingly it desires to see a National Home created for the Jews by joint international effort. Palestine, it feels, is not eligible in this capacity, on account both of its smallness and of the anger of the whole Moslem world. Fascism seeks, therefore, to awaken other countries to the urgency of finding another solution. Meanwhile it is proposing to set aside a part of Ethiopia to be run as a Jewish state under general Italian control. But this, while it may be of the utmost value as an experiment and a working model, cannot of itself suffice. The final solution of the problem of a Jewish National Home must be on larger lines. And a steady advance towards its solution is of urgent importance to the whole human race. The matter is summarised so far as Italy is concerned in an official declaration of February 16, 1938, from which is drawn the following:—
“The Jewish problem on a world scale can be solved in one way only, viz., by creating in some part of the world, but not in Palestine, the Jewish State—a State in the full sense of the word, and competent therefore to represent and safeguard through the normal diplomatic and consular channels all the masses of Jews scattered among the different nations.”
Fonti edite
Pubblicistica inglese.
The Blackshirt, London, 1937-’39.
The British Union Quarterly, 1937-’40.
The Daily Herald, London, 1938-’39; ’43.
The Daily Mail, London, 1938.
The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, London, 1938.
The Evening Standard, London, 1938-’39.
The Fascist Quarterly, 1935-’36.
The Jewish Chronicle, London, 1938-’39; ’43.
The Manchester Guardian, London – Manchester, 1938.
The Times, London, 1938-’39; ’43.
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